UNIV Guidelines
The UNIV course is required as the anchor experiential learning class for semester-length SAGE programs (and an option for term-length programs). It should ensure that programs are thoroughly grounded in the concept of a cultural capital as a site of learning. The course should represent the larger goals of the GE Foundation document in its design and execution. [link to foundation document]
- Themes
Faculty select two themes depending on instructor’s qualifications and interest. (The religion theme will be incorporated into the London Ctr course and taught by the Resident Director). Use the UNIV course that corresponds with the GE area: GCA-210R, Arts-214R, Let-215R, Soc-218R-
- Art and Architecture (Art, GCA)
- Literature (Let, GCA)
- History (Soc, GCA)
- Politics (Soc, GCA)
- Society (Soc, GCA)
- Performing Arts (Art, GCA)
- Religion (Soc, GCA)
- Other (based on faculty expertise with special relevance to the site) (Soc, Art, Let, GCA)
- Themes
The UNIV course design should incorporate key sites and events, such as historical museums, major performing arts venues, and political institutions that define the city as a cultural capital. Effective proposals will suggest how major sites of interest can be incorporated, through this course, into the overall program design. This course should accommodate the broader range of cultural experiences the city affords, while also serving to facilitate unexpected connections within the program curriculum.
- Experiential Learning
- The course should include assignments associated with key sites that involve intention, integration, and substantive reflection.
- The course should include a general experiential learning essay as part of a final reflective writing requirement.
- Outcomes
- Students demonstrate the ability, through habits of intention and reflection, to learn from experience.
- Students articulate the relationship between primary course themes and learning sites.